President’s Circle | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

President’s Circle

President Sethi at an event surrounded by people

For more than 135 years, the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) has been a leader in art and design education and is the region’s principal source of talent, fueling a diverse, creative economy. MCAD’s artists and designers thrive in the greater community. From local to global impact, MCAD students and alumni work in astounding and far-reaching ways.

President’s Circle Member support maintains the quality of MCAD’s unique, hands-on education and ensures that the renowned faculty and state-of-the-art facilities are accessible to students from all backgrounds.

"From the bottom of my heart—thank you. Thank you for not only supporting me, but choosing to support the arts in a time of great need. With you and other generous people like you, we proudly continue to stand up for freedom of creative expression for all people." –Skylar Storkamp ’18, Entrepreneurial Studies

Benefits of Joining The President’s Circle

Membership in the President’s Circle has benefits for you, as well as for tomorrow’s creative, cultural leaders. Enjoy early access to the nation’s largest college art sale, mingle with visiting artists, and socialize with other art aficionados. By supporting MCAD scholarship initiatives, you help bridge the gap from student desires to realized ambitions.

President’s Circle members receive the following exclusive benefits:

Member $1,000+

Help make MCAD accessible to all.

  • Early access to the beloved annual MCAD Art Sale.
  • A complimentary MCAD Continuing Education class of your choice.
  • Quarterly communication about events and engagement opportunities at MCAD, such as virtual gallery tours, artist talks, and more.

Partner $3,000+

Make a direct impact on an MCAD student through a NOW scholarship award.

  • All of the benefits of the Member level, plus:
  • Meet with MCAD President Sanjit Sethi for a conversation about the college.

Benefactor $5,000+

Make a direct impact on MCAD students by funding two NOW scholarship awards.

  • All of the benefits of the Partner level, plus:
  • Personal concierge service at the 2023 MCAD Auction.
  • Group cooking class with MCAD President Sanjit Sethi.

Leader $10,000+

  • All of the benefits of the Benefactor level.

Contact Adam Buhr, or 651.428.7820, to discuss special funding opportunities around accessibility initiatives including scholarships, emergency funds, and health and wellness.

Stock Giving

Your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock via a direct transfer to MCAD. Giving a gift of publicly traded stock that has increased in value and that you have owned for more than one year may provide greater tax benefits than giving cash. Your charitable income tax deduction is equal to the fair market value of the stock and you avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in the current value over the original cost of the stock.