Goyette Illustrates Spunky Grandma and Other Amusing Characters | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Goyette Illustrates Spunky Grandma and Other Amusing Characters

May 23, 2022
Black and white digital illustration of several animals all around a bar drinking.
Joella Goyette

Current student Joella Goyette is making her debut as an illustrator with Spunky Grandmas and Other Amusing Characters.

Human behavior can be truly outrageous, and in this humorous collection of sonnets, Ken Mogren waxes poetic about the quirks and qualms of the human race. Egged on by the fantastic illustrations of Goyette, these well-crafted tales will have tears of mirth rolling down your cheeks. While the stories of simple-mindedness, revenge, and battles of wits, or lack thereof, contained in this collection are fictional, many are inspired by real events. There is no doubt that certain characters will resemble folks you have encountered in your own life. Broken up into themes, such as quirky men, farts, animals who drink, crabby old ladies, and rednecks, one thing is clear: No matter who you are or where you are, you will always find yourself surrounded by nuts…and you, of course, are the only sane one of the lot.

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