2023 Merit Scholarship Recipient: Ally Streiff | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

2023 Merit Scholarship Recipient: Ally Streiff

June 25, 2023
Painting of ducks

Junior, Drawing and Painting
Online Portfolio
Christian Hans Nielsen Materials Scholarship Art Cellar Certificate
Perham, Minnesota

Describe the work you submitted for merits.

My works consisted of oil paintings varying in application, techniques, and size. I also used some multimedia materials. 

Why did you decide to come to MCAD?

It was the best option to pursue art that also happened to be closest to home. 

What's next for your practice? Anything you're really excited to make?

I’m looking forward to see what more advanced classes pop up in the course catalogue. I miss painting landscapes and would love to take a class based on that. 

Painted portrait

Favorite thing about college life (so far)?

I’d honestly say the classes, specifically John and Kim’s classes. John truly pushes you and is amazing at teaching you new techniques while keeping it very interesting in class. And Kim really helps you see what you can do, she opens you up to a lot of possibilities within your art. 

What inspires you? 

My little sister inspires a lot of my art, she’s my best friend and definitely makes life interesting. 

Do you have a favorite piece you've made? Describe it!

I don’t think I can pick a single piece, but one of my favorites is my duck painting, it’s titled Duck Around and Find Out. And it’s an oil painting of a few ducks just staring down the viewer, it’s quite humorous because one of the ducks is seemingly threatening. 

Anything you're obsessed with at the moment? 

I’m definitely interested in communicating thoughts and feelings through my work, rather than feeding the information straight forward to the viewer. I’m looking to provoke thought and strong emotions. I personally love when the viewer has to invest time into the piece in order to truly understand it.  

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