Anne Labovitz | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Anne Labovitz

22 Conversations Person to Person, Art Beyond Borders, T2 MSP Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport, 2019-2022, Acrylic on Tyvek with grommets, 23 x 180 feet
Anne Labovitz, 22 Conversations Person to Person, Art Beyond Borders, T2 MSP Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport, 2019-2022, Acrylic on Tyvek with grommets, 23 x 180 feet



Anne Labovitz creates work about how political, social, and cultural platforms can be turned into personal acts of care. Conversation and interaction are integral parts of her creative process, which allow her to explore a blurred boundary between gallery exhibit and social practice. Color, texture, installation, and community building all combine to create a shared space of connection and contemplation. For years, Labovitz has examined the importance of human connection and its visual embodiment. Her resulting praxis embodies connection, community building, and relational exchange.

The concept of radical care is especially important to how Labovitz approaches paintings and installations. It is her way of visually expressing Martin Buber’s I/Thou philosophy, which propagates the idea that life finds its meaningfulness through seeing one and other. Much of her work realizes radical care by utilizing a dialogue and engagement process, the results of which are directly incorporated into the painting or installation. This is a reciprocal practice; intimate conversations turn into her making process, which then is presented to contribute to a public, collective voice.