Jacob Yeates | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Jacob Yeates

Portrait of Jacob Yeates


Assistant Professor
BFA, University of Iowa
MFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Current Career
Freelance Illustrator and Art Educator
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Jacob Yeates (they/he) is an illustrator and art educator originally from Iowa City, Iowa, who has been living and working in Minneapolis since 2015. Jacob received a Drawing BFA and English minor from the University of Iowa in 2013, and an MFA in Visual Studies at MCAD in 2017, where he has since been teaching. 

Jacob’s solo and collaborative work has received grant funding from the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Metro Regional Arts Council, Freedom and Captivity, and MPD150, has been featured by Society of Illustrators Los Angeles, Cartoonists for Palestine, Creative Quarterly, Paper Darts, Illozine, IH8 WAR, and Little Village Magazine, and has appeared in a variety of galleries, exhibitions, panel discussions, and other community events and publications throughout the midwest and beyond.