Kaamil A. Haider | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Kaamil A. Haider

Kaamil A. Haider
Kaamil A. Haider

Graphic Design and Interdisciplinary
Hybrid mentor 


I am a visual artist, graphic designer, archivist, and public historian. Through my practices, I research the nuanced relationships between objects, shared meanings, and the heritage of contemporary Somali art, with a particular focus on language and memory. I incorporate diverse cultural, archival and oral references in my work. I am the co-founder, co-director and archivist of Soomaal House of Art, an artists-run organization and collective in Minneapolis. I hold a Master’s degree in Heritage Studies & Public History and BFA in graphic design from College of Design, University of Minnesota. I am the recipient of many awards, fellowships and grants, and currently teach at Augsburg University.


Learning is transformational. However, you have to understand that transformation is a gradual process, demanding meticulous planning, energy, and deliberation. It can become tedious, repetitive, and sometimes downright boring, but it is an integral part of the process. Whatever new path you are on requires a paradigm shift within you, which necessitates time and dedication. Therefore, you will need to divide your time between thinking, reflecting, and practicing. Becoming anything is rooted in thoughtful practice and persistence.