Joshua Huyser | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Joshua Huyser

MFA mentor

In-person, Online, Hybrid mentor


For the better part of the past decade I have been focused upon re-engaging with working from observation, primarily focused upon light interacting with various landscapes and objects, and all this after spending fifteen years prior to that focused upon formalist abstract/non-objective drawing and painting. My recent work from observation is heavily informed by the numerous lessons learned and sensitivities gained during that extensive time focused on formalism. My current body of work is steeped in choices informed by an unrelenting need for peaceful meditative release. With the apparently escalating chaos caused by climate change, social upheaval and a shockingly unexpected rise in popularity of fascist tendencies on top of the stresses of raising a child with special needs has put my mind in a state of deep need for mentally restorative experiences. This, apparently, is what I have to offer in times like these.


My concept of operating as an fine-arts educator revolves primarily around operating as a shepherd and a steward of young creative minds. My intentions are to raise the student’s self-awareness and to help them understand how that awareness might best serve their creative and artistic processes and goals. I very clearly remember the struggles and successes during my graduate school years and truly relish the opportunity to work along side those going through that seminal experience currently. I had a few wonderful mentors that helped me immensely along the way and it is my belief that building a career in a domain as complex as the art world truly requires perspective from artists and other art world professionals that are ahead of you on the road. I hope to provide that and more as we work together.