Edson Rosas | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Edson Rosas

Edson Rosas

Printmaking/Paper/Books, Installation, Drawing, Fiber Arts & Textiles, Performance
In-person, Online, Hybrid mentor)


Edson Rosas is a queer Mexican-American artist and Arts Administrator based in Minneapolis. He is first a printmaker, an installation artist, a soft sculpture maker, and a haiku writer. His work is autobiographical and currently is focused on exploring his Mexican roots and how that plays a role in his everyday life and queer-hood. The work is often honest and open, making the personal become universal; the work is there to encapsulate you in a physical and emotional hug. It’s there to help you let out that “ugly cry” in order to feel better, it’s there to make you feel welcomed, and most importantly, it’s there for you to feel safe.


Transitioning into grad school can be daunting and overwhelming, and I want to be there to let you know that it will be a great opportunity for making and creating community! 🙂 I grew so much during my time in grad school, and that was all thanks to the mentors I had to help me along the way. I had major break throughs, laughs, crying sessions, and professional development with the help of my mentors. I’ve had many great conversations and studio visits with grad students at MCAD and at PNCA since then, and would love to keep that same energy going. You can expect a mix of casual and professional conversations from me, dependent on how you want our time to be spent.