Brian Britigan | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Brian Britigan

Brian Britigan
Brian Britigan



Brian Britigan is a Minneapolis-based illustrator/animator/artist. Born and raised in Iowa City, IA, he studied art and animation at the University of Washington in Seattle before earning his MFA in illustration from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Working as a freelance illustrator since 2015, Brian creates editorial images for print and online publications, animations for documentary projects, original artworks for gallery exhibitions, and also teaches with the Minneapolis College of Art and Design’s Continuing Education department. He lives and works in Northeast Minneapolis with one partner, two dogs, and three chickens. His clients include The New York Times, POLITICO Europe, Amazon, Reveal, and The Progressive, and his work has received recognition from the Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts, 3x3, Spectrum, International Motion Art Awards, and a News & Documentary Emmy nomination.


Looking back at my own MFA experience, I know that the new relationship I developed towards my practice was largely shaped by the time and attention given to me through mentorship. I see my role as mentor as an opportunity to present an alternate perspective, identifying underlying strengths that the student may be too close to their own work to see. A good student-mentor partnership can challenge the student’s assumptions and guide them to more closely examine their artistic processes, influences, and instincts. My own MFA mentorship experience helped me see my work in a new way and I’m excited to pass along that fresh perspective to current students.