Alison Nowak | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Alison Nowak

Alison Nowak
Alison Nowak



Alison is an illustrator, designer and instructor living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She earned her MFA from Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) in 2006. Her personal illustration practice focuses on experimentation, sketchbook, and altered book processes. She also designs and creates content for Family Tree Clinic, a local sexual health organization. She is passionate about increasing equity in our visual language (and society) through more conscious, thoughtful development of images.


It is exciting to have the opportunity to be part of someone's developing artistic practice and goals. In my teaching practice I believe in using both client-based and personal assignments to push growth. I believe learning takes place through a combination of technique practice, experimentation, and refinement of ideas. I believe failure is part of growth. Â