Application Checklist | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Application Checklist

Dates and Deadlines

2025 Pre-College Summer Session
October 1 Application Opens
November 1* Early Action Deadline (applications accepted thereafter on a space-available basis through June 16)
November 15 Early Action Decision Letters Emailed (students applying after November 1 receive a decision letter within two weeks of application)
June 6* $500 Deposit Deadline (for April 1 applicants)
June 30* Final Payment Due for All Accepted Applicants
July 9 Program Begins
July 26 Student Gallery Exhibition and Reception
July 27 Program Ends

*Deadlines listed are dates by which materials are due to MCAD Continuing Education; they are not postmark deadlines. Late applications received after the November 1 priority deadline will be considered on a space-available basis. Please note that this program does fill and admittance is competitive.

Application Form

To begin the Pre-College Summer Session application process, complete the online application form. You may submit the application form at any point, even prior to submitting the remainder of your materials. There is no fee to apply.

Previous Pe-College Summer Session graduates who wish to apply again and do not wish to apply for a scholarship need only supply an updated online application and official transcript.

Please note there is a second part to this application. Students will need to complete an application questionnaire (Google form), where they can upload the application materials described below.

Personal Statement

Part of the application questionnaire (Google form)

Prompts will be given in the form. Students can make changes on the form for up to 30 days until the application deadline.

High School Transcripts

Upload via application questionnaire or send via email, mail, or secure document transfer

Request a transcript from your high school well in advance of the application deadline. Transcripts should include all high school classes taken thus far. Official and unofficial transcripts are accepted. Homeschool transcripts are welcome—please include classes, curricula, and grades.

Portfolio (Optional*)

Upload via application questionnaire (Google form). Do not mail.

Submit 5 digital images of your work that demonstrate both your technical and conceptual skills. If possible, please submit work examples that relate to your chosen major. If you do not have work related to your major, please provide other 2D work examples, such as drawings or paintings.

Both still images and time-based works may be uploaded. These should be .JPEGs, .PDFs, .MP4s, or .MOVs, with a maximum file size of 10 MB per sample.

The best images are those that are properly lit and cropped to the size of the image itself. If you do not have a camera or scanner, check with your local high school or art teacher to see if assistance can be provided.

*Submitting a portfolio is optional unless you would like to be considered for an economic-need-based or merit-based scholarship.

Letter of Recommendation (Optional)

Send via email, mail, or upload in the application questionnaire (Google form)

Request a letter of recommendation from an art instructor, teacher, guidance counselor, advisor, or employer in support of your application.

2023 or 2024 Income Tax Return (Need-Based Scholarship Applicants Only)

Upload via application questionnaire (Google form)

If you wish to be considered for an economic-need-based scholarship that covers up to your full tuition cost, you must supply a copy of your family’s Form 1040 from 2023 or 2024. The first two pages are sufficient, but the remainder may be supplied if it highlights extenuating circumstances. W-2s are not sufficient. You may also provide a personal statement describing any extenuating financial circumstances not evidenced by the tax form. Copies from 2022 and earlier are not accepted. In order to be considered for an economic-need-based scholarship, you also apply by the priority scholarship deadline of January 15.

No tax information is required to be considered for a merit-based scholarship. If you would like to be considered for a merit scholarship, you will need to submit a portfolio of 5 images as part of your Google form.


MCAD offers a range of scholarships for this program, from merit scholarships in the amount of $250-$500 to need based scholarships that cover some or all of the program tuition for students with significant demonstrated financial need.

There are a limited number of financial-need based scholarships available. Families are asked to contribute as much as they can to program tuition in order to make scholarships available to as many students as possible.

All students who apply and submit a portfolio are automatically considered for a merit scholarship.

To be considered for the financial-need based scholarship, you must submit the following in addition to your application:

  • Portfolio
  • 2023 or 2024 income tax return

Mailing Address

MCAD Continuing Education: PCSS

2501 Stevens Avenue

Minneapolis, MN 55404